Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Isolationism" and FDR (1935 - 1941)

1. What were the goals of the isolationists? Why is "isolationism" a misleading term?
The goals of the isolationists were to stay our of the war, keeping the peace, and staying neutral by not taking any sides. Isolationism is a misleading term because the term implies that the United States wants to isolate itself completely from other nations but that was not the case. Most supporters of isolationism favored international trade and a certain bilateral agreements in the 1930's. Most also respected the international laws that had been put up in place since WW1.

2. What did some isolationists feel that there was no need for Americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia?
Most isolationists felt that there was no need for americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia because the vast pacific and atlantic oceans insulated the country from troubles in those regions, and the United States had formed friendly alliances with all the other nations in the Western hemisphere.

3. What were the purposes of the Nye Committee hearings?
The purposes of the Nye Committee hearings was to investigate the reasons why the United States had entered WW1, uncover these reasons to make the public aware, and to make the sure the United States would stay out of the brewing troubles.

4. List two impressions that the Nye Committee hearings created.
First, they created the impression that American soldiers had died in WW1 because corporations looking to turn a profit had convinced President Wilson in 1917 to go to war. Secondly, they created the impression that it made Americans believe that big business again would drag them into another war.

5. What were the purposes of the Neutrality Acts?
The purposes of the Neutrality Acts were to:
-keep america from choosing sides in the war
-bring the armament industry under the control of the government
-prohibit the shipping of arms and weapons to nations at war
-make it so no americans on warring country's ships or american ships in the war

6. List two reasons that some Americans considered Roosevelt's leadership radical and dangerous.
One reason that some Americans considered Roosevelt's leadership radical and dangerous is that he tried to pack the supreme court with leaders favoring his own opinion that made him look more as a dictator. Another reason, is that FDR attempted to become president a third term which therefore convinced people that he was becoming too powerful and therefore dangerous.

7. What was "Cash and Carry"?
"Cash and Carry" was the main thrust of the new act, passed in November of 1939. This new neutrality act allowed the United States to continue trading with belligerents, but required that the warring nations pay cash for what they wanted and that they carry the goods themselves.

8. Why did President Roosevelt freeze Japanese assets in the United States?
President Roosevelt freezed Japanese assets in the United States because he believed that Japan was moving too aggressively and after Japan took control of northern French Indochina FDR could not take it anymore and thought action needed to be taken.

9. What was the purpose of the America First Committee?
The purpose of the American first committee was to devote itself to keeping the Untied States out of war.

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