Thursday, December 10, 2009

WWI - The War at Home

1. War Industries Board
-Commanded companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and they made the companies produce less waste by standardizing products. They overall increased industry production by 20%

2. Railroad Administration
-Controlled the railroads in the United States

3. Fuel Administration
-Took control on how much gasoline coal and oil was being supplied. Also they introduced day-light savings time influencing enough people to have "gasless sundays" and "lightness nights" to conserve energy

4. National War Labor Board
-Made to stop riots. It improved working conditions, lessened the work day to e8 hours, made it so work places were inspected, and helped stop child labor.

5. Food Administration
-Helped produce and conserve food. Because there was a lack of foods. Restaurants would remove the bowls of sugar they had and served bread only after the meal. Many people also began growing their own gardens. Hoover placed high prices on wheat and other likable foods which in return made farmers buy more land an overall improved their income by 30%.

6. Committee on Public Information
- Brought patriotism, and influence alot of people, by using propaganda, about the positive aspects of war.

7. Espionage and Sedition Acts
-Put fines against anyone who boycotted against the war effort or tried to impede it. Also the act put people in jail for horrific actions against non native-born Americans.

George Creel is a significant historical figure because he used propaganda to his advantage very successfully. He told people to make brochures, posters, paintings and much more that all contributed to influencing the people tremendously.

Bernard M. Baruch is also a significant historical figure because he helped make the War Industries Board successful by conserving resources. He showed people that they must conserve oil, gasoline, and other forms of energy.

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