Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World War I Begins

1. Militarism: (Germany had built a strong army which intrigued other countries to follow in their footsteps)

System of Alliances: (countries were joining together, which angered other countries after another which sparked a war fever)

Imperialism: (the desire for land overseas between all different countries, for example powerful nations, like Germany and
France wanted to control and take other colonies for manufactured goods )

Nationalism: (numerous countries and ethnic groups thought their country was superior for example the Slavs in Serbia)

2. The June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand became the spark for WWI because Austria-Hungry then declared war on Serbia since that was their heir. Germany then declared war against Russia, then france invaded Belgium so Britian declared was on them also. It overall created a huge outrage between all countries and one thing let to another.

3. Within the first few months of fighting a plan was formed called the Schlieffen Plan. This plan called for a holding action against Russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris. After France had fallen the two German armies would have defeat Russia. However as Germany invaded Belgium the civilians were absolutely terrified which created a crisis. This led to the trench warfare with the result of numerous casualties and a lot of dead bodies.

4. The United States wanted to stay out of the war because they didn't see the point in traveling far for a war that would do them no benefit. They did not want their young men to be exposed to the horrific scenes of warfare. And also the public opinion was completely divided.

5. Naturalized citizens: had already left the countries that were in the war.

Socialists: criticized the war as a capitalist and imperialist struggle between Germany and England to control markets and colonies in China, Africa, and the Middle East.

Pacifists: believed that war was evil and that the U.S. should set an example of peace to the world.

Parents: didn't want their boys to be exposed to the horrific scenes of the war, and of course drafted and killed.

6. Germany responded to the British naval blockade of Germany's posts by stating that any British or Allied boat found in the waters around Britian would be suck. The people of the U.S. were outraged and quickly turned against Germany and the central powers.

7. What forced the United States into the war?
The United States was forced into war because the British intercepted the Zimmermann Note from the Germans going to Mexico. This note said said that if a war broke out against the U.S., they would support Mexico. Germany also had sank four unarmed, merchant, U.S. ships that claimed 36 United States lives.

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