Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spanish-American War (1898)

Causes: How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?

1. American business owners: wanted the US to support Spain in order to protect their investments. This split the US in half and caused arguments and disagreements.

2. José Martí: organized Cuban resistance against Spain, campaigning and destroying property. Such as american owned sugar mills and plantations. This only angered Spain even more if they weren't enough.

3. Valeriano Weyler: Trying to destroy rebellion, he brought together the entire population of western and central Cuba into concentration camps. About 300,000 Cubans were in these camps, and thousands died from hunger and disease. The death of this many definitely caused a huge outbreak, and pushed Cuba to fight back against Spain even more. His actions also led to yellow journalism.

4. Yellow journalism: These brutal and touching stories made many Americans sympathize for rebels, making them favor Cuba. Causing a war in the newspapers.

5. De Lôme letter: This private letter written by Enrique Dupuy, deeply upset the Americans. The letter from the Spanish minister bashed president McKinley which caused most of America to not favor Spain. This also led to the U.S.S. Maine.

6. U.S.S. Maine: These boats were exploded apparently by Spain, since they were angry that because of the De Lome letter, America was not in favor for Cuba, and deeply resented Spain.

Effects: What happened to each of the following territories as a result of the Spanish-American War?

7. Cuba: were freed from Cuba

8. Puerto Rico: now belonged to the United States

9. Guam: now belonged to the United States

10. Philippine Islands: sold over to the United States

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